by Oles Berdnyk
Translated by Roma Franko, PhD
Published by Language Lanterns Publications
2012, 273 pages
Childhood friends–a beautiful girl of precocious intelligence, and her warrior-protector–travel from ancient Alexandria to classical Athens seeking education. Berdnyk imagines historical character Hypatia, a philosopher in the mid-4th to early-5th century AD, and her companion Isidore, traveling through ancient Greece, India and north Africa, encountering princes, priests, gurus and ascetics. We are immersed in a dazzling array of cultures and world views as we walk with them.
Source: http://www.languagelanterns.com/
Rozmova Book Club members with Professor Roma Franko, translator of Oles Berdnyk's
Prometheus: A Tale of the Human Quest for Enlightenment